Service Maintenance Completed: Virtualized desktop and BYOD deployments

Submitted by jach7912 on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


From Monday, November 23 at 9:00 a.m. to Friday, November 27 at 5:00 p.m., OIT will be issuing updates that will impact virtual desktops and bring your own device deployments. 


New virtual desktops will be unable to provision while an update is underway. Some desktops may still be available, but once a user logs out, a new desktop will not be able to be provisioned. Some BYOD deployments will be completely unavailable.

Affected Services

Labs: ECON 6, ECON 7, HUMN 1B45, LIBR SCI, KOBL 100B, KOBL 200, KOBL 320, MATH 217, STAD 217, WOLF 120F, WOLF 1B02D, WOLF 221B. BYOD Deployments: Biotech, Business MBA, Business MS, FullCost, Law Clinic