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Google Workspace - Help

Enabled Applications

The core applications that all campus affiliates receive are Calendar, Groups, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Sites.

In addition to the core applications mentioned above, CU Boulder has enabled many other applications that are not considered "core" by Google. For a descriptions and help information for all campus enabled applications please visit the Google Application Descriptions page.

*Note: Not all Google provided applications are enabled on the CU Boulder campus, due to a variety of factors. For more information on these factors, please visit the Enabling Google Applications for CU Boulder page.

Storage limits and managing your account

Faculty, Staff and Students provisioned with a Google Workspace account have a storage limit of 5 gigabytes (GB). If you go above the storage limit, your account activity will be limited until you get under that quota. 

When you leave the university, your Google account will be deleted, so it's important to save documents that you'd like to keep before that content is gone. Similarly, if a departing colleague or recent alum has shared files with you that you'd like to keep, be sure to save them to your own drive or a different storage solution before the files are gone. 

Visit OIT's Manage your storage and Review and save files pages for guidance on: 

Manage your storage

  • Checking your storage usage
  • Understanding the difference between My Drive and Shared with me
  • Sorting by file size to delete large files 
  • Deleting files and emptying trash to free up space

Review and save files

  • Checking recently accessed files
  • Looking through files Shared with me
  • Searching by file owner
  • Saving content in collaborative folders

OIT Help Docs

Google Help Docs

For information on the core applications, visit the following web pages:

Google Workspace Accessibility

CU Boulder is committed to providing help information and assistance with campus services for all users, including those with accessibility concerns. Google Workspace accessibility considerations, information for content creators, information for content consumers, alternatives/workarounds, and more can be found on the Google Workspace Accessibility page.