Service Restored: MyCUInfo and MyCUBoulder Portals

Submitted by krlu2891 on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


Service Issue Updated at 6:41 a.m., 1/16:  UIS has reported that the portals became operational at approximately 9:30 p.m. on Jan. 15. UIS worked closely with the vendors to stabilize the system. UIS continues to monitor the portals closely, and more information will be posted here as it becomes available.

Service Issue Updated at 5:44 p.m.:  The portals are again unavailable. UIS continues to investigate the situation, and more information will be posted here as it becomes available.

Service Issue Reported at 3:25 p.m.:  UIS has reported that the portals are again experiencing slow response times. UIS is investigating the situation, and more information will be posted here as it becomes available. As a reminder:

  • Students Can Get Class Schedules on Mobile Site:  Students may access the mobile site from their smartphones, at, until the issues with the portal are addressed. The mobile site will give students their class schedules, including time, location and instructor, as well as their book lists. It will use a mobile device's location functionality to map a student's route to their classrooms.
  • Students Received Schedules in Email:  Students may also check their email for class schedules that were sent out on Thursday, Jan. 10. Look for the email subject:  "Class Schedule for Classes Enrolled at CU Boulder for Spring 2013 UC Boulder." An updated course schedule will be emailed by tomorrow morning.
  • Prospective Students Applying to the University:  Prospective students looking to complete applications to CU Boulder by the January 15 application deadline can apply to the university at
  • Instructors Can Lookup Course Roster Email Addresses:

Service Restored at 12:56 p.m.:  UIS has reported that the MyCUInfo and MyCUBoulder portals are again available and accessible.

Service Issue Updated at 11:03 a.m.:  University Information Services (UIS) has reported that the MyCUInfo portal is unavailable. The MyCUBoulder portal may be intermittently affected as well, however new student applications are available. UIS continues to investigate the issues.

Service Issue Updated at 9:00 a.m.:  UIS has reported that the MyCUInfo portal is now unavailable. OIT continues to investigate the issue. Students they may access the portal on the mobile site, from their smartphones, at until the issues with the portal are addressed.

Service Issue Reported at 7:37 a.m.:  University Information Services (UIS) has reported that users in the MyCUInfo portal are experiencing slow performance times. Users are able to log in, but the system may load slowly, and some data may be unavailable. UIS is investigating the issue, and will provide more information as it becomes available.

Affected Services

MyCUInfo portal; MyCUBoulder portal