Start-of-Semester Canvas Tips

Submitted by stauffeg on

With the spring semester getting started, we thought instructors might appreciate some tips to make the most of Canvas and help you get off to a smooth start:

Helpful tip #1: Create your courses in Canvas. Why wait? You can now create your own courses and make changes without waiting for OIT to create the course for you.

Helpful tip #2: Publish your course. Students can’t see your course until you publish it. 

Helpful tip #3: Did you know you have the ability to add TAs to your course? If they are not already in your course, you can add TAs using their email address, IdentiKey login name, or Student ID.

Helpful tip #4: TAs can only view student data, such as grades, dropbox assignments, etc., for the sections they are enrolled in. Ensure that your TAs are enrolled in the sections they should have access to. Please see the tutorial on editing sections for an enrollment for help.

Helpful tip #5: Attend Canvas training. We have several introductory Canvas classes, grading and quiz trainings, and workshops on maximizing student engagement and collaboration.

Helpful tip #6: Take advantage of our Canvas support resources.

Helpful tip #7: View the latest Canvas features including a student ID filter in the Gradebook, a SpeedGrader audit log, new course card dashboard functionality, and more.

Helpful tip #8: Assure your course and course content are accessible. Our Canvas Accessibility page will guide you through creating an accessible course. SensusAccess and other accessibility resources can help ensure that your course content is accessible. If you have an accommodation request to provide captions for your course content, you can receive assistance through CU Boulder’s captioning service.

Helpful tip #9: Visit the Start of Term Canvas FAQ for answers to the most common questions.

Need assistance? Please contact the IT Service Center at or call 303-735-4357 (5-HELP from a campus phone).


Have a great semester!