Finding Your Way in Canvas & D2L

Submitted by stauffeg on

By default, spring courses in D2L or Canvas are hidden from students until January 12, 2019.

Can't see or access a course?

  • The course may not be published yet. Ask your instructor if they are using Canvas and, if so, when the course will be available.
  • Your Instructor may be using D2L. Go to D2L to see if your course is available there.
  • Your instructor may not have the course set up on either system. Speak with your instructor about which site they will be using and when it will be available.

Need help using Canvas?

  • Browse the Canvas Guides or help videos.
  • Click the Help icon in the Global Navigation to the left to report a problem or chat 24x7 with Canvas Support, OR
  • Contact the IT Service Center at or 303-735-4357.