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Lunch and Learn: Increase Engagement with Video Assessment Using PlayPosit

Submitted by stauffeg on

You are invited to learn more about PlayPosit, a common-good video learning tool that is provided to CU Boulder at no cost.

Say hello to increased learner engagement

We’ve all been there: We integrated videos into our program because we've read that they work. They're supposed to lead to better learner performance and success.

But how can you tell if students are actually learning from the video? Are they engaged in the assignment? Or are they just hitting the play button and then opening another tab?

PlayPosit’s platform allows you to transform passive video into interactive, learning-focused experiences.

PlayPosit provides a flashlight into the “black box” of the learner’s mind when consuming or creating video-based lessons. (That is why we call our interactive video lessons “bulbs” -- a lightbulb!)

OIT has arranged for a lunch & learn on PlayPosit, an instructional design platform that enables the addition of interactions right in the video -- commenting boards, layered videos, overlays, and hotspots, branched learning, interactive student notepads and more.

Interested? Here’s what to do next: