VPN - Setup and Connect using the Cisco Secure Client for iOS

The documentation below shows the process of setting up the Cisco Secure Client application to connect to CU Boulder's VPN service for Apple iOS users.

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Step 1

Install the Cisco Secure Client from the App Store.

*Note: If you are currently using Cisco Secure Client for another VPN, you do not need to reinstall the application. You only need to add the new profile, as shown in the remaining steps.

Step 2

Open the Cisco Secure Client app.

Step 3

Tap Add VPN Connection.

Step 4

Enter a Description name for your connection, then tap Server Address and type vpn.colorado.edu then Save.

*Note: Advanced users and system administrators should enter vpn.colorado.edu/limited in this field. Custom VPNs in the format of vpn.colorado.edu with /thecustomaddress appended should also be entered in this field, if applicable.

Step 5

The new connection will be created. You may be prompted to create a VPN profile, but can skip for now. 

Step 6

With the connection selected, tap the ON/OFF toggle.

Step 7

The Federated Identity Log in screen will open. Enter your IdentiKey username and password, then tap Log in.

Step 8

You'll be prompted to authenticate with Duo multi-factor authentication to finish logging in to VPN. Learn more about Duo MFA.

Step 9

Click Approve, if using the Duo push option 

Step 10

Select Yes if prompted to confirm this is your device. 

Step 11

Confirm your information with Federated Identity and tap Log in.

Step 12

You'll be returned to the VPN connection screen in the Cisco app. It will show the toggle as turned on. 

Step 13

To disconnect, tap UCB VPN, then tap the ON/OFF toggle.