VPN - Setup and Connect using the Cisco Secure Client for Mac

This tutorial shows the process of downloading and setting up the Cisco Secure Client application to connect to CU Boulder's VPN service on macOS 11 Big Sur and newer.

Please note: If you've already downloaded and installed the application, skip to step 7 for use instructions.

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Step 2

If you are currently using Cisco Secure Client for another VPN, you do not need to reinstall the application. You only need to add the new profile, as shown in the remaining steps. 

Step 3

If Rosetta isn't already installed on your computer, click Install and follow the prompts to install on your device before continuing with the installer. 

Step 4

Open the installer download. The products that will be installed from the package will be listed. Click Continue and go through the installation prompts. Click Close when the installer has finished.

Step 5

Non-DDS managed computers will recieve an error that requires users to allow a new system extension. Click Open Security Preferences

Please note: This screenshot is from a machine running macOS Big Sur. Other macOS versions may look slightly different.

Step 6

In System Preferences > Security & Privacy, click Allow to approve the extension. You may need to click the lock in the bottom left corner and enter administrator credentials to change this setting. 

Step 7

On computers running Big Sur: Click Allow to confirm the Network Content Filter.

Step 8

Newer operating systems will see this screen. Click Allow to continue. 

Step 9

Search for Cisco Secure Client Security Mobility Client using the spotlight search in the top toolbar of your mac, or find your applications folder. 

Step 10

After the initial download the application is likely in a folder labeled Cisco, located in Applications. Whether you locate it from the Applications folder or using the spotlight search, open the Cisco Secure Client for Mac application. 

Step 11

Type vpn.colorado.edu into the VPN: textfield, then click Connect.

*Note: Advanced users and system administrators should enter vpn.colorado.edu/limited in this field. Custom VPNs in the format of vpn.colorado.edu with /thecustomaddress appended should also be entered in this field, if applicable.

Step 12

Cisco will show a notice that you need to log in and authenticate. 

Step 13

Log in to the Federated Identity Service with your IdentiKey username and password.

Step 14

Authenticate with Duo multi-factor authentication to finish logging in to VPN. Learn more about Duo MFA.

You will now be connected to the CU Boulder VPN service. All your internet activity will be routed securely through the VPN.

*Note: For future connections, the vpn.colorado.edu connection can now be selected from the the drop-down menu in step 9.

Step 15

Click the Disconnect button to end your session.