Access the Syllabus Archive

The Syllabus Archive is a collection of syllabus files. This is a voluntary campus-wide service that any department can utilize to make their course syllabi available.

Files in the Syllabus Archive are organized by College > Year > Semester > Course. Locate files by using Google’s native search bar at the top of the page or by clicking through the folder structure. This tutorial will show you how to navigate the Syllabus Archive using both methods. If you cannot find a syllabus file that you are looking for, please contact either the respective department or the instructor of record.

one column
two columns

Step 1

Go to the Syllabus Archive in Google Drive and make sure you're in the main Syllabus Archive folder.

Step 2

Using the Search bar to find a file

Use the search bar to type in key terms to find a file. For example, you can search by instructor name, course code, or name of the course.

Step 3

Navigating through the archive to find a file

From the main Syllabus Archive folder, select a school or college from the list.

Step 4

Select the year for the course you are seeking

Step 5

Select the term.

Step 6

Scroll through the list to find the course that you’re looking for, and click into the folder to find any available course syllabi.

Step 7

Available files will be organized by Term > Instructor > Course Code > Course title. Not all syllabus files will be available as this is a voluntary service. If you cannot find a syllabus file that you are looking for, please contact either the respective department or the instructor of record.