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SPSS Statistics Premium

IBM SPSS Statistics is a statistical software platform. It offers a user-friendly interface and a robust set of features that lets your organization quickly extract actionable insights from your data. Advanced statistical procedures help ensure high accuracy and quality decision making. All facets of the analytics lifecycle are included, from data preparation and management to analysis and reporting.

IBM SPSS Amos is included with a SPSS Statistics Premium license.

OS: MacOS Windows Linux
Affiliation: Faculty Staff Students


CU AffiliationEligibility
Faculty & Staff
Anschutz, Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver


What the software can be used for:

  • Academic teaching & learning
  • Academic research directly related to student teaching and results are publicly available

Where the software can be installed

  • University-owned computers and one (1) personally owned device

What the software cannot be used for:

  • Commercial purposes (for profit)
  • Academic research not directly related to student instruction
  • Non-academic research
  • Administrative (university business)

Other conditions

  • An Authorization Code (license) may be used by an individual to install SPSS on up to four devices; however, the installations can only be used by the individual.
  • Sharing an Authorization Code with multiple users is prohibited.
  • Sharing an Authorization Code with multiple computer lab devices is prohibited.


  • A department wants to license SPSS for three employees (each issued a laptop as their primary device), and five shared lab computers. One of the three employees also has a desktop device that they use.
  • Total number of devices: nine (9); Total number of licenses required: eight (8).
  • The department should purchase eight (8) SPSS licenses, one for each of the employee primary devices and the five shared lab devices. The employee’s desktop device can be licensed using their specific Authorization Code since the device is used exclusively by the employee. 


An SPSS Statistics Premium license is available for purchase as an annual subscription at the following schedule. All subscriptions expire on August 31 of each year. The dates listed below are the window in which the software is available at that listed price.

  • July 1, 2024 – April 30, 2025: $135
    • Purchases made in July are considered pre-orders, and users will receive the updated license directly from OIT when it becomes available in late August.
  • March 1, 2025 – May 31, 2025: $70
  • June 1, 2025 – July 1, 2025: $43

How to get it

Documentation and Support