Service Restored: Multiple Services Unavailable

Submitted by krlu2891 on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


All Services Restored at 5:47 p.m.: All service disruptions due to today's Computer Center data center power outage are restored and functioning normally.

Service Issue Update at 3:37 p.m.: The majority of services have been restored. Please note that while Exchange has been running since 11:00 a.m., you should expect delivery delays as the backlog of email messages that were queued during the outage, but not delivered, is processed.

Service Issue Update at 1:21 p.m.: and its subsites are back online. As a result, OIT's normal communications channels are once again available and all future updates for this issue can be found at

Service Issue Update at 12:59 p.m.: Access to CUAccess and MyCUBoulder has been restored. While Exchange email service is restored, it is experiencing delivery delays due to the recovery process. OIT and University Communications are actively working to bring and its subsites back online.

Service Issue Update at 11:44 a.m.: Access to the myCUinfo portal has been restored.

Service Issue Update at 11 a.m.: IdentiKey authentication services have been restored, which also restores key dependent services such as VPN, Desire2Learn, and Exchange. We are still working on bringing other services online, such as MyCUInfo, WWW and UCB Files.

Service Issue Update at 9:45 a.m.: Power has been restored along with network services. Other services are being brought back online in a prioritized order: authentication services (once this is brought online, VPN will be restored), Exchange, mail routing, and then services such as WWW.

Service Issue Update at 8:30 a.m.: The root cause of the problem has been identified, which is electrical in nature. OIT is working with an electrician. Once power is restored and verified, OIT will begin to bring services back online in a priotized order: network services, critical authentication services, email, and then services such as WWW.

Service Issue Update at 7:00 a.m.: The UCB Wireless network is back online.

Service Issue Reported at 5:00 a.m.: The central CU Boulder data center is experiencing a high impact technical issue and is currently offline. Multiple services, such as WWW and Exchange, are unavailable. OIT is investigating the issue. Stay tuned to this website for updates.