The Office of Information Technology will upgrade software on some of the campus wireless controllers on Tuesday, September 13 in order to enhance wireless functionality, increase system stability and accommodate network growth.
During the upgrade, users may find that UCB Wireless and Guest Wireless are unavailable in affected buildings (see below) for up to five minutes.
Affected Services
UCB Wireless & UCB Guest
Affected Buildings
ARCE (RL-3), Balch Fieldhouse Press Box, Buff Bus, Bus Hut, Carlson gym, CASA, Chancellor's Residence, CINC, Clare Small Arts and Sciences, Computing Center, Coors Events, Dal Ward, Farrand Field (antenna), Grounds Service Center, HSSC, Health Physics Lab, IBG, International English Center, Life Science Research Lab (RL-4), Litman Research Lab (RL-1), Marr Alpine Lab, MCDB, Muenzinger, Porter Biosciences, Ramaley, Rec Center, Research Park Greenhouse, Science Learning Lab, Soccer - TB84, RL-2, Stadium, Stadium Sky Box, Stadium Ticket Building, TB01, TB09 (Ski Hut), Transportation Center and Annex, Walnut Distribution