Digication - Terms of Use


Digication is a web-based ePortfolio tool that allows students, faculty, and staff to gather, publish, and share artifacts of their work online. An ePortfolio can contain written works, photos, videos, collaborative assignments, projects, or reflective pieces. Digication users are responsible for the content in their ePortfolio. It is your responsibility to ensure that you follow the guidance below when developing your ePortfolio. The Office of Information Technology will investigate complaints about the content of an ePortfolio and may remove or limit access to ePortfolios that violate local, state or federal laws and university policies.

Acceptable Use

Your use of Digication is governed by CU Boulder’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and the Honor Code. Review the AUP and Honor Code to learn how to use Digitation ethically and responsibly.


Develop your ePortfolio in a way that makes it accessible to everyone. Visit the Digication Accessibility page for assistance.

Use of University Name, Seal, and Marks

The use of the university seal, logo or official marks is prohibited on Digication ePortfolios.

While your ePortfolio can be illustrative of your interests, your experiences, your learning and development, it should not convey the impression that you represent, are giving opinions or otherwise making statements on behalf of the University of Colorado Boulder, or any unit of the University.

The university's name, its seal, the interlocking CU, the wordmark, and the CU buffalo logo are among the words and symbols that are trademarked by the university and protected by law. You can find more information on the CU Licensing and Student Guide for Using the Trademarks policy pages.

Fair Use and Copyright

Follow university and legal standards regarding fair use and copyright when adding text, images, videos, and other information to your ePortfolio. Review the University Libraries resource on Copyright Information for guidance. Learn more about copyright and creative commons licensing.


Users of the Digication service should refrain from collecting, storing, transferring, or using personally identifiable information such as social security numbers on your ePortfolio. 

If you have questions about the guidance above, or have concerns about the content of an ePortfolio, please contact the IT Service Center at (link sends email)oithelp@colorado.edu or (303)735-4357.