Digication - FAQ

General Digication FAQs

How can an ePortfolio help me?

ePortfolios are a great way for students, faculty and staff to gather artifacts of their work in one convenient place. An ePortfolio can contain written works, photos, videos, collaborative assignments, projects, or reflective pieces.

ePortfolios can be used in many ways. A student could use an ePortfolio to showcase their work for one particular course, and the instructor could assess their ePortfolio.

ePortfolios can also follow a student throughout their entire university experience. This is a great way for students to gather work samples for potential future employment.

Faculty members can use an ePortfolio to highlight their accomplishments and show the community their work.

Who can use Digication?

Digication is available to those with an affiliation on the CU Boulder Campus of Student, Staff, Officer/Professional, Faculty, Alumni, POI, Auditors, Sponsored, Retiree, or Emeritus with an active IdentiKey.

How do I get a Digication Account?

When you log into Digication for the first time, an account will be automatically created for you. Log in to Digication (https://colorado.edu/digication) using your IdentiKey username and password.

*Note: Because Digication uses CU Boulder's Federated Identity Service, you may be prompted to verify the information on your Digital ID card when you log in. For more information, visit the Federated Identity Service page.

I went to the Digication Service Page and it gives me an error message. What should I do?

Contact the IT Service Center at 303-735-4357 (5-HELP) or by emailing oithelp@colorado.edu. Provide a detailed description of the error message you received.

What functionality will I have on Digitation?

The functionality available to end users depending on their role. Students will automatically be placed into the Student Group and be given the role of student. Faculty will be placed in the Faculty Group and be given the role of Faculty. All other affiliates will be automatically placed in the Student Group and be given the Role of Student.

To learn more about permissions go to the Overview-of-End-User-Roles.

What's the difference between administrator, publisher, editor, and viewer roles?

You can grant custom permissions to other Digication users to facilitate sharing and collaboration. There are four different types of access you can assign to individuals within your ePortfolio: 

  • Viewer (can only view your ePortfolio)
  • Editor (can view and edit your ePortfolio, but not publish)
  • Publisher (can view, edit and publish your ePortfolio)
  • Admin (can view, edit and publish your ePortfolio, and also edit your ePortfolio settings including adding and removing users)
What is the initial ePortfolio privacy setting when creating an ePortfolio?

The initial privacy setting is Private.

Will a Digication ePortfolio set to public permission settings will be discoverable through a standard search engine?

Yes, a Digication portfolio set to public permission settings will be discoverable through a standard search engine.

What are the portfolio and file size limits?

You can create an unlimited number of ePortfolios with CU Boulder’s subscription plan.

Individual files can be up to 1GB in size. There is no limit on the number of files you can upload, or the overall size of your ePortfolios.

Will Digication work on my phone or tablet?

Digication is not mobile ready, however, Digication plans to support mobile in the future.

Using Digication

When I am working on my content in the ePortfolio, is it in draft setting until I publish it?

Yes, when you are working on your content in the ePortfolio it is in draft setting until you publish it.

How does Digication manage media files I upload?

If you upload images or video files, Digication will automatically upgrade them to an appropriate file type and size for efficient viewing. For audio files, any MP3 files can be played back without any further plugins.

What file formats are supported by Digication and can be uploaded into any ePortfolio page?

The following is a partial listing of recommended formats:

  • Video files: MOV, AVI, MPG, MP4, SWF, or FLV
  • Audio files: MP3 or WAV files
  • Image files: GIF, JPEG, PNG. In addition, images uploaded for display in an ePortfolio pages will automatically be resized and converted to web friendly format for easy viewing.
  • Text files: DOC
  • Other file types: Any file types can be uploaded as a link for download in any ePortfolio pages, including but not limited to PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, and other industry specific file types (such as CAD files)

*Please note that advanced functionality such as animations or effects in PowerPoint will not be supported.

Does Digication require Flash or any plugins other than the browser?

Digication does not require Flash or any other plugins in most browsers. Some browsers, however, that do not give access to the microphone or camera will utilize the Flash plugin.

What browsers does Digication Support?

Digication supports browser versions from the past twelve months for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Mobile Safari, and Chrome for Android and iOS.

Does Digication support templates?

Course level ePortfolio templates are supported in New Digication through Template sharing permissions.

Digication supports system level templates that can be easily managed by administrators. Any system administrators will be able to turn any existing New Digication ePortfolios into a system-wide template.

Digication and Canvas

Can I link to Digication from my Canvas course? If I do, how will students access it?

There are two ways to integrate Digication with your Canvas course:

Students will be able to access your Digication course from Canvas or by going directly to the Digication Application.

Will the start and end dates of my Canvas course sync with the corresponding Digication Course?

No, currently, Digication does not have a way to transfer the course start and end date from the Canvas course, so the date range that is populated is one calendar year, using the year that the course is created in. So, any course created in 2018 would have the start and end dates of Jan 1, 2018 - Dec 31 2018.

Follow these easy steps to change the start and end dates of a course in Digication.

Using Digication

Can I change the start and end date of my Digication course?

Follow these steps to change the start and end dates of a course in Digication.

How do I hide an active course from my Dashboard?

A Digication course will appear on the dashboards of both the faculty and enrolled students as long as it is between the start and end date set by the creator of the course. Courses will be hidden from the dashboard once the available dates have passed, and will continue to be accessible by clicking the “Show All” button.

How do I remove an ePortfolio from my Dashboard?

An ePortfolio can either be hidden from the Dashboard using the filtering tools outlined in My ePortfolios, or it can be deleted completely outlined in Delete ePortfolio.

What are sections? Can I move modules between sections?

In Digication ePortfolios, any pages can contain “sections”. Sections can be used to provide visual separation between different parts of a page. Each section can have its own design options such as background images.

Move modules between sections using the Move tool.

Does Digication allow embeds?

Digication supports over 400 approved embeddable services.

General Digication FAQs

Where can I find sample ePortfolios?

Sample ePortfolios can be found on the Digication website.

Where can I get support for the Digication Service?

Digication provides unlimited end-user support 24/7 via (link sends email)email and guarantees a 24 hour response time year-round, including holidays. Requests made during business hours (7:00 AM – 6:00 PM MST Monday -Friday) are typically responded to within two hours.