
NVivo is a qualitative analysis software package produced by Lumivero that helps qualitative researchers organize, analyze, and find insights in unstructured or qualitative data including interviews, open-ended survey responses, journal articles, social media and web content.

OS: MacOS Windows
Affiliation: Faculty Staff Students


CU AffiliationEligibility
Alumni Not eligible
Emeritus Eligible
Faculty or Staff Eligible
Persons of Interest (POIs)Types C, D
Retirees Not eligible
Students Eligible
CampusesAnschutz, Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver


The software can be used for:

  • Academic teaching & learning
  • Academic research (nonprofit)
  • Administrative (university business)

The software can't be used for:

  • Commercial purposes (for profit)
  • Non-academic research

Where the software can be installed

University-owned computers used exclusively by the licensed subscriber and one personally owned device


Faculty & Staff

NVivo is available for purchase as an annual subscription at the following schedule. All subscriptions expire on Aug. 31 of each year. The dates listed below are the window in which the software is available at that listed price.

Purchase DateLicense Cost
June 1, 2024–Aug. 31, 2024$61
Sept. 1, 2024–Feb. 28, 2025$185
March 1, 2025–Aug. 31, 2025$135


An NVivo for Students 12-month subscription can be purchased directly from Lumivero at a discounted rate (see How to get it below).

How to get it

Faculty & Staff

To purchase NVivo, visit OIT's OnTheHub Software Ordering page for more information and instructions.


To purchase an NVivo student subscription, visit the Lumivero webstore.



The following NVivo add-on modules can be purchased by NVivo subscribers through their MyNVivo portal.

  • Collaboration Cloud – Securely share data, expertise, and insights across research teams with NVivo's Collaboration Cloud. By enhancing the team experience with NVivo Collaboration Cloud, multiple users can connect to the same project to update, code, and analyze research in real-time. Easily Connect and sync projects across Mac and Windows to eliminate the file conversion process; with NVivo 14, users can open projects across both Mac and Windows with ease.
  • Transcription – Optimize your qualitative and mixed methods data analysis with NVivo Transcription, your automated transcription assistant. NVivo Transcription provides verbatim transcription with 90% accuracy from quality audio and video recordings and features an intuitive editor that helps you quickly make changes, tag speakers, and ensure proper formatting. Plus, all uploaded data is securely stored to protect participant privacy according to HIPAA standards and GDPR compliance. Skip the time-consuming transcription process and focus on unlocking insights from your data with NVivo Transcription.
  • NVivo Customer Hub
  • Tutorials
  • Free webinars