Service Restored: Network in Williams Village

Submitted by jach7912 on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


Service Restored at 4:27 p.m.: The power has been restored in Williams Village complex and network services are available. 

Service Issue Update at 4:22 p.m.: Xcel estimates power will be restored at 6:06 p.m.

Issue Reported at 3:14 p.m.: OIT has received reports of a power outage at Williams Village around 3:00 p.m. Affected buildings include buildings Stearns East (STRN), Darley Towers (DLYT), Williams Village North (WVN), Bear Creek Commons (BCC), Bear Creek Apt A (BCAPA) and Bear Creek Apt B (BCAPB). As a result of the power outage, network access may not be available. There is no estimate timeframe from Xcel onwhen power will be restored.