Service Maintenance Completed: Network Switches (Campus Wired and Wireless Networks)

Submitted by stauffeg on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


A number of campus network switches (see the list in Affected Buildings) will undergo maintenance on Saturday, July 26, from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. to correct power supply reporting problems. During the maintenance window, all wired and wireless networks connected to the impacted switches (see Affected Buildings below) will be unavailable for approximately 30 minutes.


During the maintenance window, all wired and wireless networks on campus will be unavailable for approximately 30 minutes. The ability to remotely VPN in to any departmental servers will also be impacted during the downtime.

Affected Services

Campus Wired and Wireless Networks connected to switches listed under Affected Buildings

Affected Buildings

Wired and Wireless services will be impacted by this maintenance in the following buildings: Aden Hall, Alumni Center, Andrews Hall, ARCE Building, Armory, Arnet Hall, Athen’s North, Atlas, Bear Creek A and B, Biotech, Carlson Gymnasium, CINC, Coop. Inst. for Research in Env Science (CIRE), Discovery Learning Center, Darley Towers, Duane Physics, Engineering Center, Environmental Health and Safety Center (EHSC), Coors Event Center, Flemming Law, Institute of Behavioral Science, International English Center, Dresher Undergraduate Engineering, Kittredge West, Kittredge Central, Laboratory of Atmospheric Science, Norlin Library, Marine Court, Muenzinger Phych and Biopsych, Music, Newton Court, Porter, Rec Center, Regent Hall, RL2, Smith Hall, Space Science Center, Stern’s Tower, University Admin Ctr, University Residence, Visual Arts Complex, Wolf Law, Williams Village North.

For More Information

If you have questions about this maintenance, please contact the IT Service Center at or 303-735-4357 (5-HELP from a campus phone). Learn more about the IT Service Center at