Service Restored: Enterprise Applications

Submitted by stauffeg on

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End Date & Time


Service Restored at 4:05 a.m., Thursday, February 13: UIS has reported that all enterprise applications are available.

Service Issue Updated at 2:48 p.m.: Enterprise applications remain inaccessible. Currently Enterprise Portal, CS, HR, FIN, DARS, CRM, OAO, UC4, Document Management, Concur and the CU Marketplace are unavailable. Maintenance pages are in place. In order to remedy the stability problems, UIS must take the systems listed above, plus eRA, offline for an extended period of time to complete the repairs. Rather than risk having failures again this afternoon or have the systems unavailable first thing tomorrow morning, UIS will leave the systems offline for the balance of today and through the night. More information will be provided here as it becomes available.

Service Issue Reported at 12:29 p.m.: UIS has reported that several enterprise applications are inaccessible. This includes: campus portals, CS, HR, FIN, DARS, CRM, OAO, eRA, UC4, Document Management, and the CU Marketplace. UIS is identifying the root cause and more information will be provided as it becomes available.