Service Restored: Router Replacement at Computing Center Data Center

Submitted by krlu2891 on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


To complete the replacement of the router at the Computing Center data center, Network Operations will be moving network connections from the temporary router to the newly-installed router over the coming weeks. As connections are moved, there may be service impacts. A schedule of network connection moves is detailed in the next section.


Below is a list of scheduled connection moves that are expected to have impact on OIT enterprise services. This timeline will be updated as new connection moves are scheduled. We recommend that you check back frequently for updates.

Wednesday, September 25

  • Afternoon, Web applications (iclicker, northstar, searchcu, webapplications, webservices). Impact: Users connected at the time of move may lose their connections requiring a reload. In cases where logins are required, a re-login might be necessary.

Thursday, September 26

  • Morning, CUAccess. Impact: Users connected at the time of move may lose their connections requiring a reload. In cases where logins are required, a re-login might be necessary.
  • Afternoon, CUIdM (Identity Manager). Impact: Users connected at the time of move may lose their connections requiring a reload. In cases where logins are required, a re-login might be necessary.
  • Afternoon, WWW Legacy, CUContent, m (mobile apps). Impact: Users connected at the time of move may lose their connections requiring a reload. In cases where logins are required, a re-login might be necessary.


Network Operations is completing a three-phase approach to a network infrastructure upgrade that will improve reliability and growth capacity within the OIT data center. The final phase, detailed in this service alert, consists of a series of network connection moves from the temporary router to the new router.

Affected Services

If you have questions about this maintenance, please contact the IT Service Center at or call 303-735-4357 (5-HELP from a campus phone). Learn more about the IT Service Center at