Service Restored: Access to Services Based on Affiliation

Submitted by stauffeg on

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Service Restored at 8:15 a.m.: OIT corrected an error that corrupted affiliation information for 2,300 data records in the LDAP directory. The missing affiliation data has been restored. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. 

Service Issue Reported at 5:22 a.m.: OIT has discovered that affiliation data in the LDAP directory has been corrupted. This is affecting access to campus services that utilize LDAP lookups. "Affiliation" represents a person's status on campus, such as employee, student, POI, etc. If the account being queried has incorrect affiliation data, then services including the following are affected:

  • Anonymous-type queries against the LDAP directory are affected. This affects the people search on
  • Email programs that rely on LDAP to lookup email addresses are also affected.
  • Services that rely on affiliation data to grant or deny access (e.g. campus VPN services).

At this time we do not know how many LDAP records are affected by this corruption, but OIT is investigating the problem and more information will be provided here as it becomes available.