Service Restored: ISIS and Portals

Submitted by stauffeg on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


Maintenance on UIS-provided enterprise and business applications will make the ISIS (student information) system unavailable, as well as the MyCUInfo and MyCUBoulder portals (see Affected Services below), on Sunday, May 5 from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


The components of ISIS such as Campus Solutions, eRA, DARS, the Admissions Application, CRM, Peoplesoft HRMS and Finance, and the campus portals (MyCUInfo and MyCUBoulder) will be unavailable during the maintenance. Also, the Enterprise Directory update will be paused until after maintenance has been completed, causing a delay in the creation of new IdentiKeys. Please note that for some service accessed through the portal, there may be other ways to access the service. Desire2Learn can be accessed at CULink can be accessed at

Affected Services

ISIS systems such as Campus Solutions, eRA, DARS, the Admissions Application, CRM, Peoplesoft HRMS and Finance, and the campus portals (MyCUInfo and MyCUBoulder).

For More Information

If you have questions about this maintenance, please contact the UIS Service Center at or 303-735-4847.