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iClicker - Grading with iClicker Cloud

Follow this tutorial to enter iClicker results as graded assignments in Canvas.

one column
two columns


Create an Assignment Group in Canvas.


Weight the Assignment Group. 5% or less is the suggested guideline. 

(This system works best with a weighted gradebook. For instructions on how to set this up, even if you are using a points system, visit the How do I weight the final course grade based on assignment groups tutorial.)


Select the three dot options menu and select Move Group to move the newly created group to the top of the assignments page.


Go to your iClicker class history and ensure that all sessions have participants.


Sessions with no participants should be deleted. Click Delete and then choose the session you want to delete.


Sessions that are labeled Ungraded should be graded. To grade, click on the session name, and then grade individual questions.


Look for sessions with an extremely low class average. It’s possible you asked a question that nobody was able to answer, so the question should be deleted. To delete a question, open the relevant session.


Click the three dot... icon to the right of that question and choose Delete Question.


If you need to manually change anyone’s grade, make sure to do it in the iClicker Gradebook. To do so, click on the student’s name in the gradebook.


Click the session you want to update.


Change the grade in the Adjusted column and save the changes.


Once you have corrected the grades that need adjustment, go to the top of the page and click Sync Grades.


Select the check box in the upper left hand corner of the selection window to ensure all grades are totaled and uploaded as a single score, then select Sync.

(If you wish to upload daily clicker grades as individual items rather than a summed total, please contact OIT at or 303-735-4357 for help. Be aware that only 5 polls can be uploaded at a time, and the process is extremely time consuming.)


Once you Sync, iClicker will create an Assignment in the Assignment Group you made earlier in Canvas. You do not have to create the Assignment, only the Assignment Group. Furthermore, as long as the Assignment name stays the same, iClicker will update this Assignment every time you sync the grades. It is important not to edit the grades for this assignment in Canvas, as it will be overwritten the next time you sync the grades.


iClicker grades should be synced with Canvas every two weeks so students know how they are doing in your class. This should also bring to light any issues they are having with their clicker registration or account.


If, at the end of the semester, you wish to “forgive” some number of absences, begin by syncing the grades for the last time from iClicker. Once the grades are loaded, determine the value of an “average” day by dividing the total points by the number of sessions you held. Multiply this average value by the number of days you wish to forgive, and then subtract this from the final iClicker total by clicking the three dot icon next to your iClicker Assignment in Canvas, and then select Edit


Edit the grade value in the Points field, and click Save.


Go to Grades in Canvas, and sort the iClicker grades from high to low. Click the three dot icon next to the iClicker grade item in the grade book, then click Sort by and Grade - Low to High.


Manually reduce anyone over the new grade total to the new grade total. This prevents your forgiveness of missed days from turning into extra credit. 

Please note: This is the only time you should change student iClicker grades in Canvas (as opposed to the iClicker Cloud gradebook) as the grades will not be synced from iClicker again.