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Google Workspace - Transfer photos to a different account using partner sharing

Follow this tutorial to share Google Photos with a personal account outside of CU Boulder.
one column
two columns


Go to and login with your IdentiKey username and password. 

Please note: check to make sure you have enough storage available on your personal google account to make sure you can store all the photos you have.


Click the gear icon to open your Settings, then click Partner sharing


Choose your settings for the photos you will share then click Next

  • All photos: Any photo in the partner sharing will be saved.
  • Photos of selected people: Select from your face groups. When Google Photos recognizes any of those face groups from your partner’s photos, it’ll save the photos automatically.


Search for the contact you'd like to share with, or type in the email address of your personal account. 


Confirm your details and click Send Invitation.


After sending an invitation, you will see the details of the person you have shared photos with in the Partner Sharing section of the settings menu. 


Open the invitation email from your personal Gmail account to accept the invitation and access the photos. 


In the new browser window that opens, accept the sharing request. 

Please note: you can also accept this invitation by going to and opening the Sharing tab. 


Save individual photos

Be sure to save the photos to your personal account so you don't lose access. Select all the photos you want to save (blue checks show which photos are selected) then click the Save cloud icon in the top right corner. 


Save all photos

You can also save all photos that have been shared from a partner account without having to select individual photos.

In your personal Google account, click the Settings Gear, scroll to the Partner sharing section and click Save to your account.  


In the Turn on Auto Save pop-up, select Save all photos and click save