Drive Total Usage Change

Total Usage Added

Total Usage Reduced
Google Drive Migration Waves
OIT will automatically migrate non-Google format files to Microsoft OneDrive on Google accounts that exceed 5 Gigabytes (GB). These migrations will happen in waves, organized by departments and student usernames. As we determine the migration waves, they will be added here. Learn more about the migration experience.
Wave 1 - Completed
Department Name | Number of accounts over 5GB |
Office of Information Technology |
20 |
Wave 2 - Completed
Department name | Number of accounts over 5GB |
Admissions |
4 |
Budget & Fiscal Planning |
1 |
Campus Controller's Office |
1 |
Health & Wellness Services |
2 |
Infrastructure & Sustainability |
12 |
Integrity, Safety & Compliance |
3 |
Office of Data Analytics |
1 |
Strat Relations & Comms |
22 |
Wave 3 - Completed
On December 8, accounts were scheduled for migrations, and account holders were notified via email from OIT. The migrations will begin no earlier than December 13.
Department name | Number of accounts over 5GB |
Academic & Learning Innov |
6 |
Advancement |
19 |
1 |
Athletics |
21 |
Boulder Day Nursery |
1 |
Campus Dining Services |
1 |
Colorado Shakespeare Festival |
3 |
Conference on World Affairs |
1 |
Counseling & Psychiatric Services |
1 |
CU Art Museum |
6 |
CU Bookstore |
1 |
CU Police Department |
3 |
Dean of the Graduate School |
5 |
Digital Accessibility |
2 |
Environmental Health & Safety |
2 |
Faculty Affairs |
1 |
Health Promotion |
1 |
Housing Facilities Services |
3 |
Inclusion and Social Change |
6 |
6 |
Museum of Natural History |
20 |
National Solar Observatory |
12 |
3 |
Office of Contracts & Grants |
3 |
Office of Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement |
1 |
Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance |
1 |
Office of Student Conduct |
2 |
Office of the Chancellor |
3 |
Ombuds Office |
1 |
Parking Services |
1 |
Presidents Leadership Class |
1 |
Recreation Services |
8 |
Registrar |
1 |
Renewable Energy Initiative |
13 |
Research & Innovation Office |
13 |
Residence Life |
4 |
Retiree Association |
6 |
Staff Council |
1 |
Student Acad Success Ctr |
2 |
Student Affairs |
4 |
Student Affairs Communications |
4 |
Transportation Services |
2 |
Venture Partners at CU Boulder |
2 |
Veterans Affairs |
1 |
Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education |
1 |
Victim Assistance |
1 |
Volunteer Resource Center |
1 |
Wave 4 - Completed
On December 12, Wave 4 accounts will be scheduled and account holders will receive an email from OIT in the afternoon. The migrations will begin no earlier than December 15.
Department name | Number of accounts over 5GB |
Biofrontiers Institute |
20 |
Colorado Diversity Initiative |
3 |
Crown Institute |
9 |
Institute for Behavioral Genetics |
9 |
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research |
36 |
Institute of Behavioral Science |
19 |
Institute of Cognitive Science |
50 |
New Student and Family Program |
3 |
Wave 5 - Completed
On December 14, Wave 5 accounts will be scheduled and account holders will receive an email from OIT in the afternoon. The migrations will begin no earlier than December 19.
Group | Number of users over 2TB |
Select group of faculty and staff across various departments with accounts over 2TB of data |
34 |
Wave 6 - Completed
On January 2, Wave 6 accounts will be scheduled and account holders will receive an email from OIT in the afternoon. The migrations will begin no earlier than January 5.
Department name | Number of accounts over 5GB |
Aero-Space Engineering |
98 |
Applied Mathematics |
35 |
Biomedical Engineering |
7 |
BOLD Center |
2 |
Chemical & Biological Engineering |
64 |
Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering |
73 |
College Engineering & App Science |
23 |
Colorado Space Grant Consortium |
5 |
Computer Science |
71 |
Computer Science Post-Baccalaureate Program |
3 |
Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering |
64 |
Engineering Plus |
3 |
Environmental Engineering |
4 |
Herbst Program for Engineering, Ethics & Society |
3 |
Idea Forge |
7 |
Leeds School of Business |
72 |
Lockheed Martin Engineering Management Program |
8 |
Materials Engineering |
21 |
Mechanical Engineering |
131 |
Research and Engineering Center for Unmanned Vehicles |
4 |
Wave 7 - Completed
On February 17, Wave 7 accounts will be scheduled and account holders will receive an email from OIT in the afternoon. The migrations will begin no earlier than February 22.
Department name | Number of accounts over 5GB |
A&S Administration |
14 |
Academic Advising Center |
4 |
Advertising, PR & Media Design |
14 |
Anderson Language Tech Center |
3 |
Anthropology |
10 |
Art and Art History |
23 |
Asian Lang&Civilizations |
11 |
28 |
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science |
28 |
Benson Center |
2 |
Biochemistry |
54 |
British Studies |
1 |
Bueno-Center |
5 |
Chemistry |
21 |
Cinema Studies |
17 |
Classics |
10 |
College of Architecture and Planning |
29 |
College of Media, Communication and Information |
33 |
College of Music |
78 |
Communication |
13 |
Computational Linguistics |
1 |
Continuing Education |
41 |
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences |
103 |
Disability Services |
2 |
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
47 |
Economics |
14 |
English |
7 |
Environmental Center |
3 |
Environmental Studies |
8 |
Ethnic Studies |
6 |
Information Science |
8 |
48 |
Journalism |
8 |
Law Library |
7 |
Media Studies |
7 |
School of Education |
69 |
School of Law |
12 |
Wave 8 - Completed
On March 1, Wave 8 accounts will be scheduled and account holders will receive an email from OIT in the afternoon. The migrations will begin no earlier than March 6.
Department name | Number of accounts over 5GB |
Center for Asian Studies |
3 |
Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy |
8 |
Center for Humanities & Arts |
1 |
Center for National Security Initiatives |
2 |
Center for STEM Learning |
3 |
Center for Student Involvement |
2 |
Center for Teaching and Learning |
4 |
Center of the American West |
2 |
Center to Advance Research and Teaching in the Social Sciences |
3 |
Fiske Planetarium |
6 |
French & Italian |
8 |
Geography |
18 |
Geological Sciences |
28 |
Germanic & Slavic Languages & Literatures |
5 |
Grand Challenge |
4 |
History |
12 |
Honors Program |
2 |
Humanities |
1 |
Integrated Teaching and Learning |
14 |
Integrative Physiology |
20 |
Intermountain Neuroimaging Consortium |
2 |
International Affairs |
2 |
International Education |
6 |
Jewish Studies |
2 |
Libraries |
27 |
Linguistics |
16 |
Masters of the Environment |
7 |
Mathematics |
18 |
Miramontes Arts & Sciences Program |
2 |
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology |
75 |
Mortenson Center |
5 |
No Department Listed |
86 |
Philosophy |
4 |
Physics |
193 |
Political Science |
13 |
Program for Writing and Rhetoric |
8 |
Program in Exploratory Studies |
2 |
Psychology |
45 |
Wave 9 - Completed
On March 13, Wave 9 accounts were scheduled and account holders received an email from OIT in the afternoon. The migrations will begin no earlier than Thursday, March 16.
Department name | Number of accounts over 5GB |
Religious Studies |
6 |
Residential Academic Program (Environmental Baker) |
4 |
Residential Academic Program (Farrand) |
2 |
Residential Academic Program (Global) |
1 |
Residential Academic Program (Health) |
1 |
Residential Academic Program (Sewal) |
1 |
ROTC Air Force |
1 |
ROTC Navy |
1 |
Sociology |
6 |
Spanish & Portuguese |
8 |
Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences |
10 |
Sustainability, Energy and Environment Community |
1 |
The Center for Integrated Plasma Studies |
3 |
Theatre & Dance |
24 |
Women and Gender Studies |
3 |
Wave 10 Student Migrations - Completed
2,802 students with over 5GB of Google Drive storage were scheduled and account holders received an email from OIT on March 17, 2023 in the afternoon. The file migration for these students begins on March 22, 2023.
Wave 11 Delayed Migrations Group - Completed
A small group of individuals that requested a delay on migration were migrated. Those that requested a consultation with their delay are being addressed.
Wave 12 Migrations Group - Completed
On May 12, Wave 12 secondary accounts were scheduled and account holders received an email from OIT in the afternoon. The migrations began Thursday, May 18.
Wave 13 Migrations Group - Completed
On May 22, Wave 13 accounts were scheduled and account holders received an email from OIT in the afternoon. The migrations began Thursday, May 25.
Wave 14 Migrations Group - Completed
On July 10, Wave 14 accounts were scheduled and account holders received an email from OIT in the afternoon. The migrations began Thursday, July 13.
Data Usage by Service
320 TB
█ = Drive
█ = Gmail
█ = Photos
= Shared Drive
Drive Usage by Affiliation
233 TB
█ = Alumni
█ = Faculty
█ = Student
█ = Staff
█ = Secondary
█ = Retiree
█ = Other
Highest Drive Usage by Department/Institute (Top 10)
Department | Data Usage (GB) |
Mechanical Engineering | 26,880 |
Institute of Cognitive Science | 9,052 |
Aero-Space Engineering | 7,216 |
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology | 6,785 |
College of Architecture and Planning | 6,415 |
Computer Science | 6,147 |
Office of Information Technology | 5,613 |
Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering | 5,524 |
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences | 5,371 |
Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering | 5,212 |