Rhino 3D

Rhino is a commercial 3D computer graphics and computer-aided design application to create, edit, analyze, document, render, animate and translate NURBS curves, surfaces and solids, subdivision geometry (SubD), point clouds and polygon meshes.

OS: MacOS Windows
Affiliation: Faculty Students


CU AffiliationEligibility
Alumni Not eligible
Emeritus Eligible
Faculty or Staff Eligible
Persons of Interest (POIs)Types C, D
Retirees Not eligible
Students Eligible


The software can be used for:

  • Academic teaching & learning

The software can't be used for:

  • Academic research
  • Administrative (university business)
  • Commercial purposes (for profit)
  • Non-academic research

Where it can be installed

  • University-owned computers
  • Personally owned devices

Other conditions

  • Only one user per license; a license cannot be shared
  • A license may not be given or sold to another person


Users must pay a $95 one-time fee.

How to get it

Rhino 3D is available for purchase from OnTheHub. Visit OIT's OnTheHub Software Ordering page for more information and instructions.

After receiving your license, you will need to decide how the license will be used. Here is a preview (click a link for more information):

  1. Float the license between multiple computers for one user by assigning it to a Rhino Account (recommended).
  2. Alternatively, lock the license to a single computer.

