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Large File Transfer - Known Issues

LFT Service Outage

  • Issue: Accellion, the vendor whose File Transfer Appliance (FTA) appliance was the back-end of the LFT service, discovered an attacker was taking advantage of a vulnerability in their large file transfer software (FTA) and notified its clients. OIT discontinued use of the service on Jan. 25, 2021 and issued a notice to users. The service was restored on Jan. 28, 2021, after a security patch was made available by Accellion and files and workspaces were successfully transferred to a new virtual appliance with the newly released version of the software. Learn more about the cyberattack
  • Resolution: On March 30, 2021, OIT migrated the back-end to Accellion's Kiteworks platform, which was not affected by the cyberattack.