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Outlook on the web - Recovering Deleted Items

The following tutorial steps through the process of how to recover deleted items such as emails, contacts, tasks or events in Exchange Online using the Outlook on the web. Please keep in mind the retention policies that apply to deleted mail: 

Deleted Items folder:

Items remain in the Deleted Items folder for 30 days before being automatically removed.

Items removed from the Deleted Items folder:

Items that have been automatically removed from the Deleted Items folder are retained for 30 days before being permanently deleted.

one column
two columns


Log into Outlook on the web with your and IdentiKey password


On the left hand of the page in folder view, select the Deleted Items folder. 


Right click on the item you want to recover from the Deleted Items folder and select Restore. The item will move to the folder it was deleted from (ex. Inbox).


If the item you'd like to recover has been recently removed from the Deleted Items folder, click Recover items deleted from this folder at the top of the Deleted Items folder. 


Right click the item you'd like to recover and click Restore. The item will move to the folder it was deleted from (ex. Inbox).


To permanently remove an item from the Deleted Items folder, right click it and click Delete.


You'll be prompted to confirm that you'd like to delete the item. Click OK to proceed.


A banner will appear at the bottom of the folder confirming that the item was deleted. Items deleted from the Deleted Items folder can be recovered. Items deleted from the Recover items deleted from this folder section cannot be recovered.