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Computing Labs - Remote Access to Labs

Remote lab access is changing

OIT is transitioning from the Splasthop Remote Desktop solution to OIT Cloud Apps. Splashtop will be available on a very limited basis. Please visit the OIT Cloud Apps page for more information


Unless otherwise stated by an instructor, remote lab access will be only available after hours and on weekends. Remote access will not be available during normal campus hours. 



To be provided remote access to the campus computer labs, please send an email to with “Student Remote Access Request” in the subject line. In the body of your email, please provide the following information: 

  • Your name and IdentiKey username
  • Course Name and Instructor
  • Lab Room number: If you have a particular lab that you’d like remote access to, please provide us with the room number and building code for the Lab (e.g. ECCE 141). 
  • Software: Include the software that you need to access.

Once we receive the request, we will review your information and grant you access. Learn how to access labs remotely


To request to teach a class remotely utilizing an OIT-managed computer lab, please send an email to with the subject “Labs Class Remote Access Request” and following information:

  • Software: Include the software titles that your students will need to access.
  • Course information
  • Any other special considerations that may need to be taken into account. 

Once we receive your request, a member of the labs team will respond to your message and will discuss options with you that will best meet your class needs.