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Microsoft software campus EES agreement - FAQ

About EES

What is the Microsoft software campus EES agreement?

The Microsoft software campus EES agreement provides licenses as a common good to CU Boulder faculty and staff for select Microsoft products and upgrades. The agreement will be negotiated on an annual basis and is expected to be renewed for the foreseeable future.

What is the cost to me or my department?

There is no direct departmental cost for using the EES. The EES provides software and licenses to the campus as a common good with the expectation that this will reduce the total amount of money the campus spends on Microsoft software and licenses.

Who can use the EES?

At this time the EES is for CU Boulder campus faculty (including teaching assistants and Emeritus faculty) and staff (including student employees).

Can student employees use the EES?

Yes, the EES can be used by student employees on university-owned computers.

Does the EES apply to computers used by students for research or computers in student labs?

Yes, as long as the computers are university owned.

Can faculty and staff use EES software on a personally funded computer?

EES work-at-home software is available for university work on a personally owned computer (not purchased with university funds). Work-at-home products must be downloaded by individual faculty or staff members and burned onto a blank disc. The agreement stipulates that work-at-home software cannot be provided to customers; however, if you need assistance burning a disc, please contact the IT Service Center.

If my department signed a Microsoft Select contract, can we now back out of the remainder of that contract?

No. Signing of the Campus Agreement does not change the terms of departmental Select contracts; however, it should be noted that the Campus Agreement is expected to be renewed for the foreseeable future as it is a continuing budget item.

Our department already has media from Insight/Software Spectrum, do I need to use the media that you are distributing?

No. Since the license keys are not bundled in our software installers, you can continue to use your own software. But, for all new installations, you should use our license key.

Software - what is available and how to download it

How do I get a copy of the Microsoft software for installation on my computer?

Software can be downloaded from CU Boulder’s Microsoft software campus EES agreement download website. Login with your IdentiKey, and click on Download Software. The Microsoft software campus EES agreement website is where you can also get license keys. For additional support sources and alternatives to downloading the software, refer to the Help section.

Is the license key embedded in the installation disc?

No. Keys will be obtained from a website. It will be important for each individual customer to log in to the license space to agree to the license agreement and obtain their license key. Learn how to obtain product keys.

Is Visio included in the Microsoft software campus EES agreement?

No it is not. Review the list of software and CALs that are included.

Does the EES include server software?

No. However, the EES does include Client Access Licenses (CALs), for faculty and staff to use your server software. Review the list of CALs.